Therapy for making beautiful things happen in hard times

I’m Kate. I’ve been working with people for a long time and I love it.

I support and encourage people (especially people in their 20s and 30s) as you explore, discover, and create who you are. It’s an honor to watch you figure out your place in the world. Find out more about me and the worst hairstyle I had in middle school by clicking the About Me button.

Perhaps you could really use someone who believes in you. Maybe you worry that everybody else figured it out and you’re left behind. Maybe you want someone to talk to, but you don’t want to be judged.

We start where you are and build to where you’d like to go. Being in an in-between space and exploring your identity can be hard in any decade, and it’s extra complicated right now. You’re not making it up…it’s literally really hard!

I don’t have all the answers, but I trust that we can figure them out together. After working with me, people often say they feel more confident, have stronger relationships and feel connected to something bigger than themselves, and feel more prepared for whatever comes next. “I take her faith in and then I am able to do almost anything that I stick my mind to.” 

I focus on individual therapy. I spend time getting to know you and what’s important to you.  Once I have a better idea of your strengths and the things that hurt, we make a plan for what to do next. I go about this in a way that’s relational, kind, and affirming, and supports your questions about who you are, what you need, and where you can find a sense of belonging, even among all the uncertainty. 

What’s our time like together?

Land Acknowledgement

This land acknowledgement recognizes the original peoples of these lands, their caretaking of its natural resources, the harms that were perpetuated against them, and the vibrancy of all Indigenous communities – past, present, and future.

The Portland Metro area rests on traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River. Since time immemorial, Indigenous people have been stewards of these lands and waters. We have a responsibility to acknowledge the history of stolen Indigenous land and the harms committed against their families and ways of life. We also have a responsibility to stand with Indigenous people and center their stories and endeavors. Tumwata Village is one such local project that supports the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde in revitalizing their connection to their ancestral lands, culture, and history. Please consider supporting their healing vision if you are able: